Monday, April 6, 2015

Unit 6 Notes

Notes (4/6/15)

Economic Growth Defined:
  • Sustained increase in Real GDP over time
  • Sustained increase in  Real GDP per capita over time
Why Grow?
  • Growth leads to greater prosperity for society
  • Lessens burden of scarcity 
  • Increase general level of well being
Conditions for Growth:
  • Rule of Law
  • Sound legal and economic institutions
  • Economic freedom 
  • Respect private property 
  • Political and economic stability (low inflationary expectations)
  • Willingness to sacrifice current consumption in order to grow
  • Saving 
  • Trade
Physical Growth:
  • Tools; machinery, factories, infrastructure 
  • Physical capital is product of investment 
  • Investment = sensitive to interest rates and expected rates of return 
  • Takes capital to make capital 
  • Capital must be maintained 
Technology and Productivity:
  • Research and development, innovation and invention yield increase in available technology
  • More technology on hands = increase productivity 
  • Productivity is output per worker
  • More productivity = more economic growth 
Human Capital:
  • People are counting most important resource, therefore human capital must be developed 
  • Education
  • Economic freedom 
  • Right to acquire private property
  • Incentive
  • Clean water 
  • Stable food supply
  • Access to technology 
Economic Growth Illustrated: 

Hindrances to Growth:
  • Economic and political instability (high inflationary expectations) 
  • Absence of the rule of law
  • Diminished Private Property Rights 
  • Negative Incentives (the welfare state) 
  • Lack of savings 
  • Excess current consumption 
  • Failure to maintain existing capital 
  • Crowding Out of Investment (Government deficits and debt increasing long term interest rates)
  • Increase income inequality = populist policies 
  • Restrictions on Free International Trade 

1 comment:

  1. Your notes are very simple and easy to go through. What you had over Hindrances to growth was very helpful to me. It gave me a clearer understanding of this topic.
