Sunday, January 18, 2015

Unit 1 Notes (1/13/15)

  • Elasticity Demand: Drastically how buyers will but back when price rises or falls. 
  • Elastic Demand: Demand for product that will change regardless of price. E>1 
Ex.- "Wants", movie tickets, steak, fur coats.

  • Inelastic Demand: Demand for product that will not change regardless of price. E<1
Ex.- "Needs", milk, salt, gasoline, medicine (insulin)

  • Unit Elastic: E=1

Elasticity Equations Steps:

1.) New Quantity- Old Quantity/ Old Quantity
2.) New Price- Old Price/ Old Price
3.) % Change in Quantity (take absolute value)/ % Change in Price

1 comment:

  1. I think your blog is absolutely amazing, but the only thing i had a question about was the definition of unit elastic. Does the demand for that product stay the same or change?
