Sunday, January 18, 2015

Unit 1 Notes: Demand and Supply (1/12/15)


Demand Schedule:

Demand Curve:

  • Demand is: the quantities that people are willing and able to buy at variable prices.

  • The Law of Demand: there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity.

(Price goes up, Quantity goes down) (Price goes down, Quantity goes up)
  • What causes a "change in quantity demanded"? 

Change in price. 
  • What causes a "change in demand"?
1.) Change in buyers taste. (advertisers)
2.) Change in number buyers. (population)
3.) Change in income
Normal Goods- Goods buyers buy more of when income rises.
Inferior Goods- Buyers buy less of when income rises. 
4.) Change in price of related goods. 
Substitute Goods- Serve roughly same purpose to buyers. (Ex. Coca Cola, Pepsi)
Complimentary Goods- Often consumed together (Ex. Automobile,Gas; French fries,Ketchup)
5.) Change in expectations- thinking of future. (Ex. Next week, next month) 


Supply Schedule:

Supply Curve: 

  • Supply is: the quantities that producers/sellers are willing and able to produce/sell at various prices.
  • The Law of Supply: There is a direct relationship between price and quantity supply (Price goes up, Quantity goes up) (Price goes down, Quantity goes down)
  • What causes a "change in quantity supplied"? 
Change in price.

  • What causes a "change in supply"? 
1.) Change in weather.
2.) Change in technology.
3.) Change in taxes/subsidies.
4.) Change code of production.
5.) Change number of sellers.
6.) Change in expectations.

1 comment:

  1. i admire how you make use of the several graphs to get the main point of supply/demand relationships. theres not much advise i can give on this
